The Anatomy Evil: Dissecting Ariel Henry’s malignant affliction in Haiti.

March 05, 2024

Dr. Ariel Henry poses a compelling enigma, leaving one to ponder about the man behind the title and has left many questioning his background, personal life, and the unique trajectory that propelled him into the role of Prime Minister, a position he currently holds at the behest of the U.S. and the Core Group. While a cursory Google search might yield basic information about his educational background and political role, delving deeper into his personal life and the intricacies of his ascent unveils a narrative shrouded in mystery.

It is a widely acknowledged fact within the Haitian population that Dr. Ariel Henry has been collaborating with the French intelligence agency, DGSE, and the U.S.’s CIA for an extensive period spanning several decades. The assumption is that his engagement with intelligence communities dates back to the 1960s when Dr. Henry initiated his professional journey by working with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

A pivotal moment in Dr. Ariel Henry’s emergence onto the global political stage occurred in 2004 when he became a notable figure by joining the Council of Sages. This council played a significant role in orchestrating the coup d’état and subsequent exile of Jean Bertrand Aristide. The roots of this political maneuver can be traced back to Aristide’s request for France to reimburse Haiti the 150 million Francs, a sum initially demanded by France as compensation for Haiti’s independence, which Haiti duly paid. In response, France, albeit unofficially, organized the coup that led to Aristide’s exile, with Dr. Ariel Henry actively participating in facilitating this endeavor.

Between 2008 and 2011, Ariel Henry served as the Chief of Staff to the Minister of Public Health and Population in Haiti. His political ascent continued in 2015 when he assumed the role of Minister of the Interior and Territorial Communities. These positions reflect his gradual but noteworthy progression within the political hierarchy of the Haitian Government.

On July 5, 2021, Haiti’s President, Jovenel Moise, expressed his intention to designate Ariel Henry as the Prime Minister. Originally slated for official announcement on Monday, July 5, the date was postponed to Thursday, July 8, 2021, at the request of Ariel Henry. Tragically, on Wednesday, July 7, 2021, President Jovenel Moise was assassinated. Subsequent investigations have established that Ariel Henry was in communication with the alleged assassin, Joseph Felix Badio, both just before and during the assassination, as well as in the immediate aftermath. This compelling evidence directly implicates Ariel Henry in the assassination of the Haitian President.

In the aftermath of the President’s assassination, the United States Government and the Core Group exerted pressure on Haiti’s official Prime Minister, Claude Joseph, urging him to step down and install Ariel Henry as Prime Minister. The unconventional mode of communication took place via a Tweet from the U.S. State Department on Twitter. According to Haitian law, an appointment to a government position requires the President’s signature on the decree and the swearing-in of the appointee for official legitimacy. Due to the President’s assassination, this crucial step was thwarted, rendering Ariel Henry’s position as Haiti’s Prime Minister unofficial and illegitimate. Consequently, Ariel Henry is viewed not as the legitimate Prime Minister of Haiti but rather as a collaborator with the Core Group and powerful nations such as the U.S., Canada, Britain, and France.

The repercussions of foreign interference and a dearth of genuine democratic backing have thrust the innocent citizens of Haiti into a precarious situation. The grim reality now entails pervasive violence, encompassing acts such as kidnapping, torture, sexual assault, and murder, affecting every unsuspecting Haitian. Insufficient access to food and medicine exacerbates the suffering, while the absence of a functional government further compounds the crisis. Critical services integral to day-to-day life, such as road and transportation management, as well as sanitation services, are paralyzed due to Ariel Henry’s actions, involving the sale and disposal of essential equipment necessary for the country’s operation. Consequently, every fundamental government service has ground to a halt.

Opposition or protest by the citizens of Haiti is brutally suppressed under the rule of Ariel Henry, with dissent met by arrest, torture, and even murder at the hands of gangs aligned with him. A recent incident during a protest in Port au Prince illustrates this stark reality. Five unarmed official BSAP officers, present to guide the crowd and maintain peace, were mercilessly hunted down and killed by Henry’s supported gangs. Exploiting his own corrupt police force, Henry’s officers opened fire on the BSAP officers and the protesting crowd, deploying live bullets and tear gas to disperse the demonstration. Those BSAP officers fortunate enough to escape sought refuge in locals’ homes, only to be pursued, dragged into the streets, and executed in front of onlookers, as a gruesome tactic to instill fear among the citizens. Henry orchestrated a sinister plot to conceal the murders of the BSAP officers by burying them in the Petion Ville cemetery without the presence of their families. He went so far as to instruct the Mayor of Petion Ville to retrieve the bodies and inter them in the village cemetery, perpetuating the cover-up of these heinous acts. In the Henry regime, any individual daring to speak out against the government faces ruthless suppression and silencing.

In recent weeks, a significant number of citizens expressing opposition and participating in protests against Ariel Henry’s government have been subjected to arrests. These detainees face severe torture and, tragically, some have even been murdered while in custody. Disturbingly, over the past few days, there have been reports of gangs forcibly entering prisons and releasing prisoners. Among those set free are individuals who merely opposed Henry’s regime, many of whom are innocent. However, it’s important to note that the released detainees also include convicted criminals, including those implicated in the assassination of the democratically elected President Jovenelle Moise.

Amid Ariel Henry’s continued imposition of terror on the Haitian populace, he is now soliciting assistance from the international community to strengthen his grip on the nation. In collaboration with the U.S. and the global community, a security agreement has been proposed between Haiti and Kenya. This pact involves Kenya committing 1,000 armed officers to aid in restoring peace and tranquility in Haiti. However, significant legal hurdles obstruct the execution of this plan. Firstly, Ariel Henry’s lack of constitutional legitimacy raises questions about the legality of any agreements he brokers. Additionally, Kenya’s High Court has deemed the agreement unconstitutional, citing a lack of reciprocal arrangements between the two nations. Furthermore, concerns loom over the notorious corruption within Kenya’s police force, fueling apprehensions that their involvement may exacerbate the existing chaos and violence in the region.

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