In a dramatic turn of events, Guy Philippe, a notorious figure in Haiti’s tumultuous political landscape, has resurfaced, igniting a storm of controversy and speculation about the island nation’s future. With a rap sheet including murder, drug smuggling, money laundering, and leading a coup, Philippe’s return to the forefront of…

APRIL 28, 2024

MARCH 05, 2024

Dr. Ariel Henry poses a compelling enigma, leaving one to ponder about the man behind the title and has left many questioning his background, personal life, and the unique trajectory that propelled him into the role of Prime Minister, a position he currently holds at the behest of the U.S. and…

FEBRUARY 11, 2024

In recent times, the Haitian population has become a victim of escalating violence and gross human rights violations, reaching distressing levels, with the blame squarely placed on the shoulders of the Ariel Henry regime. A shocking incident that unfolded just last week serves as a chilling testament to the depths…